Le Passager
Nicolas Pascares
Foto-Ausstellung im Weißen Turm Darmstadt
Dauer: vom 03.04.2019 bis 11.05.2019
Vernissage: 03.04.2019, 19:00 Uhr
You probably have a choice to do the same thing in many different ways. You may be used to doing things in certain ways, without realizing it. Maybe you made an assumption. Was it necessary? Maybe you developed habits. Bad habits prevent you from getting the results you want? Are you taking shortcuts? Are you doing something a certain way because someone else told you to? Good habits help you do things efficiently after you’ve practiced them. Are they still serving you? If so, keep doing that! If not, stop doing that! Sometimes what works in one situation doesn’t work in another. Are your habits serving you when things change?